Monday, June 4, 2007

Free Rocky from Blogger prison!

On or about June 1, 2007, a marauding band of Blogger's spam-prevention robots raided Artsy Catsy's official blog and unjustly accused Rocky, CEO (Cat Executive Officer) of operating a spam blog. Despite his innocence, they put a bag over his head, cuffed his paws so he can't post on his blog, and secreted him off to solitary confinement in AbuBloggerGhraib Prison. Not to be thwarted, CEO Rocky is publishing this underground blog from his cell, while he formulates escape plans and tries to avoid the horrors of having electrical wires attached to his long-gone hoo-hoos.

Rocky pleads for all sympathetic fellow cats to EMAIL BLOGGER in protest of their actions and to attest to his innocence as a spammer, and demand that he be unlocked from prison!!


Hot(M)BC said...

Free Rocky! Free Rocky! Artsy Catsy is INNOCENT! Free Artsy Catsy!

Meowers from Missouri said...

we has emailed blogger an' tol' him his robots is hunks of tin, an' you wasn't spam, an' he better letcha go!! free rocky! artsycatsy does not spam!!!

we admires yer plucky spirit, publishin' an underground blog--we hopes you won't hafta stay there furry long!!

Victor Tabbycat said...

Our blogs contain tuna, not spam! This is so unfair!
Blogger: Unfair to Felines
Know any good protest songs?

Emma's Kat said...

Free Rocky! We will get this situation taken care of Rocky!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Hooray furr Rocky,the unnerground blogger. We haf emailed evil blogger and if they don't git yoo back kwik, we will do what Max would sujjest, and poop on their pillows.
pee-ess, hope yer Grandpa is doing ok.

Anonymous said...

FREE ARTSY CATSY!! We emeowed them too and we's also purr-posing a boycott if they don't lissen up! Be furry carefur they don't catch you Rocky!! Those bloggerspot hoomans and der botses is STOOPID!

Parker said...

We e-mailed too! Bad Blogger, very bad! Free Rocky. I'm ready to get out my Paw of Death!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

KC said...
We's poop on Blogger's pillows...
Purrs, KC

pee ess: u means our blogs haf ta make sense? i's readin tha deffynishun of a spam blog 'n it said "nonsensical... repetitive". Huh????

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Missy Blue Eyes said...
Those Blogger Spam Preventing Robots wouldn't know a spam blog if it bit 'em on the bee-hind. Artsy-Catsy spam????? Not so.

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...

Rocky i have made it my pink lady misson to get you free see my post today noone treats my best freind in the world like this!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your furry best freind

Lilly Lu

Anonymous said...

We've got claws, teeth and stinky poop. We're armed and ready - watch out Blogger, here we come!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We rote dem and tole dem dat der anti-spam robots is stoopid and dat dey shood be re-programmed to serve the squillions of cats that they haf angered by calling yoo spammers!

Lux said...

O Rocky, what have they done to you? You are so brave to still be publishing!

Lux said...

I am back from protesting this miscarriage of justice!

The Feline Sextet said...

We furgots to tell you we posted to our bloggie too about what happened, and posted the piccie in supurrt!

Just Ducky said...

I lefted my message. Free Artsy Catsy. We love you guys.

The Meezers or Billy said...

we emailed Dread Pirate Blogger too. FREE ARTSYCATSY NOW! FREE ARTSYCATSY NOW!!!

Lisa said...

I e-mailed on your behalf! FREE ROCKY!!!

Samantha & Mom said...

We are with you Artsy Catsy. We'll go right now and protest. We will all unite and get 'er done. FREE ARTSY CATSY!!
Samantha & Tigger

sammawow said...

Free Artsy Catsy! Rocky we think you are so clever to create an underground blog and we are protesting along with everyone else! Free Artsy Catsy!

Protesting Blogger,
China Cat & Willow

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

how soon befor da blogpolice come to shut me down?
free artsy catsy!
luv--yer grate frend--jh

Zoey and the furballs said...

That's just terrible! We've told them they must free you. Now we need a good protest march!

LZ said...

You keep it up Rocky! We all support you and we each sent e-mails about this horrible injustice. Blogger had better get their act together or they'll have some very angry cats. No one wants a pride of angry cats. Have you seen what those Lions are capable of??


Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

we can't believe you've been blocked for SPAM,how could they think this about your lovely and important blog?

Grrrr,we mailed them to make sure they know how stupid they are and insisted on having you unblocked!

Keep on rocking!

AbsoluteLeigh said...

We need to all send them litter box presents till they let Rocky free!

Hope they get this mess sorted out quickly!

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

I sent them an email, those dastardly spambots! I hope you can be free soon, Rocky!!

Monica said...

Dear Rocky, The Pink Ladies are on the prowl. I'm just going to go email blogger now.

Kimo and Sabi said...

Blogger can kiss our dingleberry butts! We should also contact CPS (Cat Protective Services) - this is animal abuse!

snowforest said...

Artsy Catsy is such a terrific blog! I emailed Blogger. hope it unblocks soon. Best of Luck :)

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Rocky, how could they do this to you? Your blog certainly isn't spam. DP Blogger needs to fix their robots. I've written them in support of you - I hope they don't shut all of your supporters down!

Karen Jo said...

I wrote to DP Blogger the minute I read about this injustice. This is just plain stupid on their part.

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

I sent a message demanding Rocky and Artsy Catsy be freed! We need to contact Amnesty InterCational, get them on the case!!

The Crew said...

We (along with lots of others) have written to Blogger and hopefully the combined power of the Cat Blogosphere will free you!

The Crew

Aloysius said...

I can't believe they'd call you a spammer. I'm going to put the jaws of death on them.

--Aloysius the Chipmunk Slayer

jenianddean said...

This happened to my Uncle Doug and he moved to Wordpress because Blogger is apparently run by servers with no humans and he could never get a response, reply or reaction from them.

Anonymous said...

We just emailed Blogger again. We will not rest until you are freed from AbuBloggerGraib.

:::cats and mutt walk in circle with protest signs and sandwich boards::::


Anonymous said...

We e-mailed Bad Blogger, and posted about your unfortunate incarceration at Purrchance To Dream.

Sending Pink Ladies Love,
Daphne & Chloe

If you need a tuna loaf with a file in it, let us know!

Mr. Hendrix said...

Free Artsy Catsy!! Free Artsy Catsy!!
I asked mommy to give me an extra dose of Laxitone so I'm ready to march to the blogger offices or their homes and leave them a little present....

HRH Yao-Lin said...

I have sent an email to blogger. I back your cause whole heartedly. can we talk about me now?


MaoMao said...

EVIL, EVIL spambots! they're much, much worse than EVIL coffee stirrers! If getta hold of 'em I'll put a bitey on 'em they'll nefur forget! Free Artsy Catsy now!

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say that what is happening to you is hideous and unspeakable. How dare those awful robots think that you are a piece of Spam? That is far, far beneath your catly dignity! Free Artsy Catsy, Free Artsy Catsy!

The Cat Realm said...

We do have some connections to Sicily - you know what we mean, right...
We usually don't mention or use them but in this case: just give us the word!